My Publications

Hernandez Hinojosa, E; Torres, D; & Bhounsule, PA. “Quadratically constrained quadratic programs using approximations of the step-to-step dynamics: application on a 2D model of Digit”, Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots. Okinawa, Japan. 2022, pp. 96-103;link.

Echeveste, S.; Hernandez-Hinojosa, E.; Bhounsule, P. “Event-Based, Intermittent, Discrete Adaptive Control for Speed Regulation of Artificial Legs.” Actuators 2021, 10(10), 264;link

Hernandez-Hinojosa, E, Satici, A, & Bhounsule, PA. “Optimal Control of a 5-Link Biped Using Quadratic Polynomial Model of Two-Point Boundary Value Problem.” Proceedings of the ASME 2021 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Volume 8B: 45th Mechanisms and Robotics Conference (MR). Virtual, Online. August 17–19, 2021. V08BT08A005. ASME. link

Bhounsule, P.A.; Hernandez-Hinojosa, E.; Alaeddini, A. “One-Step Deadbeat Control of a 5-Link Biped Using Data-Driven Nonlinear Approximation of the Step-to-Step Dynamics.” Robotics 2020, 9, 90. link

Hernandez-Hinojosa, E et al., “Bioinspired robotic exoskeleton for endotracheal intubation”, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Volume 9, Issue 6, 2020, Pages 12167-12176, ISSN 2238-7854. link

Hernandez, E et al., “A Novel Treadmill That Can Bilaterally Adjust the Vertical Surface Stiffness,” in IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 2338-2346, Oct. 2018, doi: 10.1109/TMECH.2018.2866337. link

Guevara, Juan; Romo, Jaime; Hernandez, Ernesto ; Guevara, Natalia Valentinova “Identification of Receptor Ligands in Apo B100 Reveals Potential Functional Domains.” The Protein Journal, vol. 37, no. 6, 2018, pp. 548–571., doi:10.1007/s10930-018-9792-8. link